
Current Fellows (2024-2025)

Madeleine Carbonneau (2024-)

Academic advisor: Jeff Miller
Madeleine is a first year PhD student in the Biostatistics PhD program. Her primary research interest is in genetic regulatory networks and spatial transcriptomics.During the 2024 fall term Madeleine is enrolled in the following courses: BST230: Probability I, BST 232: Methods, EPI 201: Introduction to Epidemiology I, BST 227: Introduction to Statistical Genetics, EPI 507: Genetic Epidemiology and HPM 548: Responsible Conduct of Research, ID 205: Societal Response to Disasters. 

And in the Spring 2025 term Madeleine plans to enroll in the following courses: BST 231 Statistical Inference I, BST 233 Methods I, and BST 236 Computing I.

Madeleine is hoping to start her first dry lab rotation in the spring 2025. The projects and supervisor are not decided at this time.

Shanta Murthy (2024-)

Academic advisor: Rafael Irizarry
Shanta is a first year PhD student in the Biostatistics Program. Her primary research interest is improving methodologies for multi-omics data analysis and data integration to support reproducibility.

During the 2024 fall term Shanta is enrolled in BST 239:Probability I, BST 232: Methods I, EPI 201: Introduction to Epidemiology I, BST 227: Introduction to Statistical Genetics, EPI 507: Genetic Epidemiology, and EPI 249: Molecular Biology for Epidemiologists. In the Spring 2024 term, Shanta plans to enroll in the following courses: BST 231: Statistical Inference, BST 233: Methods II, BST 236: Computing I, and HPM 548: Responsible Conduct of Research.

Shanta is planning to complete her first dry lab rotation in the spring 2025 term. The projects and supervisor are not decided as of now.

Will Nickols (2024-)

Academic advisor: Michael Hughes
Will is a first year PhD student in the Biostatistics program. His primary research interest is in infectious diseases, particularly in using genetic information to understand and limit their spread.

During the 2024 fall term WIll is enrolled in the following courses: BIOSTAT 240 Probability II, BIOSTAT 235 Statistical Learning, BST 227 Statistical Genetics, BPH 304QC Malaria and Neglected Tropical Disease, EPI 201 Epidemiology Methods I, EPI 507 Genetic Epidemiology, EPI 519 Evolutionary Epidemiology of Infectious Disease, and HPM 548 Responsible Research. In the 2025 spring term, Will plans to enroll in the following courses: BIOSTAT 233 Methods II, BIOSTAT 236 Computing I, BIOSTAT 241 Statistical Inference II, and BIOSTAT 258 Causal Inference.

Will is planning to complete his first dry lab rotation in the fall 2024 term and his wet lab rotation in the winter. The projects and supervisor are not yet decided.

Daniel Paydarfar (2024-)

Academic advisor: Nima Hejazi
Daniel is a first year PhD student in the Biostatistics program. His primary research interests are in causal inference and statistical learning in the high-dimensional setting.

During the 2024 fall term Daniel is enrolled in the following courses: BST 235: Advanced Regression and Statistical Learning, BST 249: Bayesian Methodology in Biostatistics, EPI 217: Epidemiology of Adult Psychiatric Disorders, BST 227: Introduction to Statistical Genetics, BPH 304 QC: Eradicating Malaria and Neglected Tropical Disease, BPH 318QC: Topics in Immunology and Infectious Diseases, and HPM 548: Responsible Conduct of Research. And in the Spring 2025 term Daniel plans to enroll in the following courses: BST 231: Statistical Inference I, BST 233: Methods II, and BST 236 Computing I.

Daniel is hoping to start his first dry lab rotation in the spring 2025. The projects and supervisor are not decided at this time.

TJ Channagiri (2023-)

TJ is a second year PhD student in the Biostatistics PhD program. His primary research interests include high-dimensional statistics with applications to genomic data.

During the 2023-2024 fall term TJ enrolled in the following courses: BST 230: Probability I, BST 232: Methods, EPI 507: Genetic Epidemiology, EPI 249: Molecular Biology for Epidemiologists, and BST 227: Introduction to Statistical Genetics. In the 2023-2024 spring term the following courses: BST 231: Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithms, MIT IDS 160: Mathematical Statistics.

TJ completed his first dry lab rotation with Rong Ma in the 2023-2024 spring term and plans to complete his second dry lab rotation with Rajarshi Mukherjee in the 2024-2025 fall term. In both dry lab rotations he plans to read literature in high-dimensional statistics involving random matrix models and work towards possible dissertation projects. He plans to complete the wet lab rotation in the 2024-2025 spring term, though the lab and project have not been decided yet.

Kevin Kapner (2023-)

Academic advisor: Rafael Irizarry
Kevin is a second year PhD student in the Biostatistics PhD program. He is primarily interested in high-dimensional statistics and dimensionality reduction techniques and their applications to single-cell RNA-sequencing data and other high-throughput molecular biology methods.

For the fall 2024 semester, Kevin is enrolled in BST 235: Advanced Regression and Statistical Learning and BST 245: Analysis of Multivariate and Longitudinal Data and performing an independent study with Jeffrey Miller and a dry lab lab rotation with Rafael Irizarry. His first dry lab rotation was performed in Spring 2024 with Jeffrey Miller and his independent study research is an extension of this work, focusing on the applications of an updated parameter estimation procedure for a low-rank representation of the sample covariate matrix with generalized bilinear models. His current dry lab rotation with Rafael Irizarry is focused on extensions and refinements of an unsupervised clustering method for a single cell RNA-sequencing data.

He is looking forward to continuing to develop his statistical interests and committing to a lab for his dissertation topic later this year.

Ziqi Fu (2023-)

Buu Truong (2023-)